Reciprocal Exchange

Host and be hosted in Europe

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Apply to Reciprocal Exchange

Oui Connect’s most exciting opportunity for American teens!

Program Description

Participants, aged 13-17, will host a Spanish, French, Italian or german student for 2 or 3 weeks, followed by their own 2 or 3 week stay abroad with the same exchange student’s family. This can take place any time between June and August.

The Reciprocal Exchange is a uniquely shared experience. Both participants embark on the same adventure, facing cultural differences and overcoming language barriers together. This creates a strong, lasting bond that enhances their language learning journey. Participants share not just a cultural exchange, but a deep friendship. It’s the best of both worlds—combining all the benefits of hosting with the excitement of going abroad. Plus, the financial advantage of this program makes it even more attractive due to its reciprocity.

Participants are carefully matched based on age, gender, and shared interests. The application process includes a cover letter and motivational letter from each student, along with a detailed profile and photos, ensuring the perfect match for an enriching exchange experience.

Students Reciprocal Exchange in France

“ We’ve hosted four students through Oui Connect, and each experience has been fantastic! It’s been fun sharing our favorite places with our exchange students and exploring new ones together.This year, our son participated in a direct exchange to France, and he had an incredible time. Throughout the process, we shared video calls, messages, and photos with the family in France, which made everyone feel confident and comfortable. Oui Connect’s staff answered all of our questions and made the experience seamless.  The exchange was a life-changing opportunity for our son. He gained so much confidence and made lifelong friends. We are so grateful for this once-in-a-lifetime experience. â€

Ben's mother | Reciprocal Exchange in France

Students Reciprocal Exchange in France

Program Details

  • Hosting families agree to provide the same accommodations and conditions for their exchange student.
  • Exchange students will be fully immersed, with a bed and inclusion as full family members.
  • Students are expected to participate in family life—helping with small tasks, engaging in conversation, and going with the flow of daily life.
  • Exchange students must respect the authority of their host parents and follow the house rules.
  • English will be spoken in the U.S., while French, Spanish, or Italian will be spoken while abroad, ensuring full language immersion.

“ The trip to France was amazing for Evelynn, and hosting Eva was just as rewarding. Eva’s parents took Evelynn all around France, showing her unique places around Nantes and northern France. Evelynn still talks about the experiences and loved spending time with Eva’s family, especially her grandparents. Eva had a wonderful time with us too, and we all enjoyed her company. Oui Connect made everything so easy, from the detailed information to coordinating the flights. We’re already planning for another exchange for Evelynn or her brother in the future. â€

Evelynn's mother | Reciprocal Exchange in France

How It Works

Students and family Reciprocal Exchange

Step 1

For three weeks, your family hosts an international teen.

Step 2

You travel abroad with your new international friend and live with their family for three weeks.

“ Thanks to Oui Connect, I had the chance to spend an unforgettable summer. I visited Paris and Normandy, while our French exchange student explored California. Both of us were fully immersed in each other’s culture and got to practice our language skills. As a high school student, I learned about Oui Connect through my French professor at Irvine Valley College. It was a blast! â€

Grace | Reciprocal Exchange in France

Dates & Pricing for 2025

Applications MUST be received by April 7th for the summer Direct Exchange Program.
Step 1 & 2 (see above) can be reversed if needed.

Pricing includes :

  • Finding the “matching” student and family for the homestay
  • Travel Insurance
  • Selection and preparation for the participating families and students.
  • Airport departure and arrival assistance
  • Bilingual local coordinator available 24/7
  • 24 hour emergency contact.
  • Administartion fees.

Pricing Does Not Include Airfare

Apply to Reciprocal Exchange:

Get started today , someone from Oui-Connect will reach out and set up a phone meeting!

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Does a student need to know french, spanish or italian already?
No, knowing the basics of a language is enough. Everyone has a different level, and the goal of our programs is to improve your language skills. The most important is to be willing to learn and being willing to try.
Will there be a student same or similar age in the host family?
We do not guarantee a student the same age in the host family. We accept host families based on their motivation to host. We interview the host family in their home and always ask if there will be teenagers the exchange student can meet if they don’t have kids the same age in the household. Some of our best host families have been empty nesters who are very active! More than 50% of our host families have kids the same age in the home.
How do you insure that my teenager will be safe while abroad?
This is the first questions any parents ask before sending their teenager abroad with Oui-Connect or any other agency and we take it very seriously!

Oui-Connect partners with agencies in France, Italy and Spain who would be finding a volunteer host family in those countries.
All host families will be visited by a coordinator and interviewed. The coordinators will verify if the family is safe and if the house is safe/clean.
All host family fill out an application form and we ask for references.
You will also get to communicate with the host family before departure through Zoom , Facetime or other platforms.

How do we know that our host family is a "good host family" what do you do?
All our host families are volunteers meaning they do this with their heart and want to help a teenager from a foreign country realize their dream. We also interview each host family in their home.
Lastly you will have the chance to communicate with your host family before departure. we actually encourage students do Facetime or Zoom once they get their placement.
Who picks up my son/daughter from the airport?
A local coordinator (partner with Oui-Connect) or the host family. We will let you know before departure exactly who it is and what’s their phone number.
Do parents have to host for students to participate in the program?
If you participate in our “Go Abroad†program, it’s only an outbound program meaning your son /daughter goes to Spain, France , Italy. You do not host an exchange student.
If you participate in our “Reciprocal Exchange program†You host a foreign exchange student first and then your son/daughter goes abroad and lives with them for 3 weeks.
What happens if my teenager has an issue while he/she is abroad?
Oui-Connect partners with agencies in France, Spain and Italy that have coordinators available 24/7 for any emergency. They all speak English fluently and you will be provided with their phone number and an emegrncy number. If needed, we can change host families or help with any emergency quickly.
How do you insure that my teenager will be safe while abroad?

This is the first questions any parents ask before sending their teenager abroad with Oui-Connect or any other agency and we take it very seriously!

Oui-Connect partners with agencies in France, Italy and Spain who would be finding a volunteer host family in those countries.
All host families will be visited by a coordinator and interviewed. The coordinators will verify if the family is safe and if the house is safe/clean.
All host family fill out an application form and we ask for references.
You will also get to communicate with the host family before departure through Zoom , Facetime or other platforms.

What happens if my teenager has an issue while he/she is abroad?

Oui-Connect partners with agencies in France, Spain and Italy that have coordinators available 24/7 for any emergency. They all speak English fluently and you will be provided with their phone number and an emegrncy number. If needed, we can change host families or help with any emergency quickly.