Exchange Students Profiles
Meet Our Students
Oui-Connect partners with students from all around the world (France, Spain, Italy, Germany, Thailand…). Our students are just as excited as our host families to experience new ventures. Take a look at their profiles below.
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Oui-Connect partners with students from all around the world (France, Spain, Italy, Germany, Japan, Thailand and more). Our students are just as excited as our host families to experience cultural exchange. Take a look at their profiles below.
Click here for more profilesRaphael (M) 16 years old, France.
July 17/2024 – August 07/2024 3-Weeks.
Hi, I’m from France, I have two dogs, Yankee and Angel. Angel is a white Labrador and Yankee a charming beagle. I LOVE dogs! I like to play basketball or doing sports . I practice sports everyday and I am in a team of Basketball. I love meeting new people and sharing their way of life! I am adaptable to any situation and will love to help and be a part of your family 🙂 It will be fun to be part of an American family and not a tourist.
Arnau (M) 16 years old, Spain.
June 30/2024 – July 21/2024 3-Weeks.
Hi I’m from Spain! I love reading, I also enjoy hanging out with my group of friends. We’ve been in the same school since we were almost babies. We share the same humor and some interests, like books and music taste. I’m excited to meet you and to have a great time with you.
Introductory LetterCarla, (F) 17 years old, Spain.
June 30/2024 – July 21/2024 3-Weeks.
Hi I’m from Spain the Basque country. I’m a very social person, I have a lot of hobbies like painting, playing board games, I love the beach swimming, picnics. I’m excited to meet you and your family, it has always been a dream for me to visit California. Thank you for this great opportunity.
Introductory Letter
Berenice (F) 14 years old France.
July 3/2024 – July 21/2024 3-Weeks
Hi, I’m from France,I live in Paris area with my mother, since I’m six, I always wanted to go to states to see the beaches, the cities, also to try new things like food and others. I love to practice sports and cook Furthermore I LOVE THIS LANGUAGE ! Next year I’ll follow an extra class : Dual Diploma. I will learn 3 hours per week the American language.
Introductory Letter