International Exchange Programs.

International exchange is an incredibly valuable experience for both the traveling students and their host families. From strengthening a second language to exploring a new country, exchange students broaden their horizons as host families welcome them with open arms into their home.

One of the most rewarding components of international exchange is the cultural awareness and appreciation developed throughout the experience. Students who travel abroad have a higher cultural capital and their host families also benefit from housing a student of a different culture. A second benefit is the social connections gained throughout the experience. Students who travel abroad are able to plant roots in a foreign country where they may one day have the opportunity to travel, work, or live. Similarly, host families can develop close connections with their exchange students that can last a lifetime.

International exchange students primarily use this experience to practice and master a second language. Through traveling abroad, students immerse themself in a different language and practice independence by living away from family. This helps prepare students for their future educational endeavors, such as leaving home for university, and encourages a well-rounded linguistic educational background.

One final benefit, and perhaps the most exciting one, is the opportunity to explore a new country! Students who travel abroad are enamored by the different activities, cultural interests, and daily routines of those different from themselves. Host families are excited to share their hometown with their exchange students and introduce them to some of the most integral aspects of their life. Through these experiences, both the exchange students and the host families possess a greater understanding and appreciation of the world.